We all strive to live life on purpose and on mission. Whether an Association driven by mission, a business hoping to be sold one day, or a family eager to send kids off to college and retire to the beach together, our finances should be a means to that end, never a stumbling block. With so much information out there, much of it conflicting, it can be hard to navigate a way forward with confidence. We want to cut through the noise and help you interpret that information so you can apply it properly to your situation. Good financial advice can be the key to achieving your mission and life goals. We empower people to live enriched lives and not be held captive by financial stress. I guess you could say we are in the human transformation business.
As an independent, multi-lines agency, we specialize in insurance & retirement programs for Associations and their executives, business owners and high net worth individuals, and families. We tailor our solutions to meet your needs—whether it includes life insurance or property & casualty, financial and wealth management or retirement planning. We have one goal: empowering you for success!
Our name is on the door…and behind our work
We guarantee you will work with one of our principals throughout the process. And, because our names are on the door — you can be confident you’ll receive a degree of service and thoughtful insight that is simply second-to-none. Each member of our team is a dedicated professional who cares about your goals and strives to exceed your expectations.
Experience the Haney Company difference. Find out what we can do for your organization and you today.